AyA Team

Community building, self-sufficiency and dancing/movement are my personal interests. I look forward to a physical place where these can come together and we can work together in living from the ground up and acting from the heart.
I see myself working in the food forest and everything that flows from it. But my interests also lie in bringing different elements together. I also like to see the whole thing and it usually comes naturally.
Background in 5 elements, movement, massage and teaching assistant. Pulled out in recent years and was allowed to gain experience in social gardens and permaculture.

At a young age I dreamed of huge hands that protected the earth and freed it from environmental pollution. In my mind I flew over lush countryside with vast forests and clear, clean, flowing water.
I really want to contribute to a clean, healthier earth for our children.
Waldorf teacher
Cultural Entrepreneur

“I like nothing better than planting trees and cutting herbs for even more
biodiversity in our green environment. I prefer to make beautiful products that support our health in a tailor-made way.”
At the Floraya circle I help to grow, harvest and process medicinal herbs as a link in the entire chain from plant to oil. I feel completely at home in this region. For Aya you can contact me with anything with a € sign, from my role as treasurer.
CEO ‘In de koperen ketel‘ distillery workshop in Gilze NB, author of ‘Lavender’ distillery book: practical manual’ and ‘Larch, Spar and Scots Pine: conifers with a medicinal effect’, employee (volunteer) Social TRade Organization socialtrade.nl, transition advisor/trainer community building.

It feels to me that since my childhood on the farm and in nature, this society, this boat drifts further and further away from the mainland, nature. I would like to make the movement back to living with and in nature. For myself and also for the children after me.
I am in an environment that invites happiness, contact, abundance, playfulness and wonder.
Illustrator, animator, 3d artist, designer, musician, teacher, workshop supervisor

AyA is a life goal. Leaving a better world for my daughter is what motivates me the most. When I am in nature, eating healthy and exercising I feel best. But there is less and less nature and harmony is hard to find in modern cities. Changing this together is worth more than gold.
yoga teacher
web designer

How do I see myself in the eco-village?
– Construction and design of eco houses
– Creation of food forests and terrain
– Teacher of permaculture, herbalism and natural building
– Own company (Permaculture Innovations) Ecosystem restoration, paradise gardens and innovation by permaculture
– Food forest expert
– Designer
– Teacher
– Herbalist
– Gardener
– Eco ponds
– Street work
– Tree care
– Green roofs

Permaculture, eco building, eco communities, engineer.
Michele has been with AYA for many years. He’s very creative and a teamplayer.